Tag Archives: cheese

Introducing Hybrid Rudiments

I’ve added a new page and new downloadable resources covering the vast world of Hybrid Rudiments. Additional resources will be added to this page throughout the year.

Hybrid rudiments are the combining of two or more rudiments to create a new rudiment or rudiment pattern. This is not always the case as there are instances of hybrids containing only one rudiment, but have become universally recognized and adopted as a common rudiment pattern. Since there are an infinite number of combinations and stickings, there is no official list of hybrid rudiments, and new hybrids are no doubt created almost daily. Even the names can vary for the same hybrid. There are currently 500+ more widely accepted hybrid rudiments.

The first resource includes the hybrids Hertas, Grandmas, Choo-Choo, Alternated Pataflafla and Cheese.